You’re getting ready to promote your next event…congratulations!! Hopefully you have your Eventbrite page set up and ready to go. But have you ever considered just how MUCH traffic you are sending to Eventbrite when you post that link to buy tickets? With just a few more steps YOUR blog site can reap the benefits of added shares and pageviews by embedding the Eventbrite ticket sales form directly on your blog. Here’s how…

Step 1: Create a blog post or page promoting your event.

You can either create a blog post to promote your event, or create a special page and have it featured at the top of your menu. (I would suggest creating a page so that it is quick and easy for your readers to find.) Include your graphics and all the details about your event.

Step 2: Get the code from Eventbrite.

Eventbrite offers several simple tools for integrating ticket sales on your blog. To embed the ticket form on your site, simply go to the “Manage” tab on the Eventbrite menu. On the left side you will see an “Invite and Promote” Option. Underneath this option, select “Widgets.” Then choose “Ticket Form.” Then copy the code you’re given.

CMBN How to embed eventbrite ticket form blog post photo


Step 3: Transfer the code to your event post/page.

In WordPress find “XYZ HTML” in your sidebar menu. Open it and choose “Add New HTML Snippet.” Enter the name of your event in “Tracking Name” and then paste the code from Eventbrite into the “HTML code” box. Select “create.” In your page or post, put your cursor where you want the ticket form to go. Click on “Insert HTML Snippet” in your post menu and choose the one with your event name. Publish, and you’re set to go! Now start sharing that post and see the traffic that is driven to your site!

Here is an example of what the embedded ticket box will look like:
