1 out of 5 people in the United States have a disability. This means that a significant percentage of your website visitors could have challenges accessing and using your site. Not only is it unethical to discriminate against people with disabilities, but it is also illegal. If your website is not ADA compliant, you are at risk of facing a lawsuit and damaging your brand’s reputation. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of ensuring your website is ADA compliant and offer tips on how to achieve compliance.

Accessibility for All

Making your website ADA compliant means you are taking steps to make your site accessible for individuals with disabilities. This includes those with visual impairments, cognitive disabilities, mobility issues, and hearing impairments. By making your site accessible, you are opening up your business to a wider audience and creating a more inclusive environment. Additionally, many users will appreciate the effort you put into making your site accessible, which can lead to improved customer loyalty and brand reputation.

Better User Experience

A website that is easy to navigate and use is essential for creating a positive user experience. For individuals with disabilities, this is even more important. By making your website ADA compliant, you are ensuring that your site is user-friendly for everyone. Proper use of alt-text, captions, and easy-to-read fonts are just a few elements that can ensure your website is ADA compliant. In addition to creating a better user experience, your website is more likely to be shared and recommended by satisfied users.

Improved SEO

Search engines such as Google prioritize websites that are user-friendly and accessible. By making your site ADA compliant, you are improving your website’s SEO. This means your website will appear higher in search engine rankings, which leads to more traffic and potential customers. Additionally, ALT text and captions used in ADA compliance can function as alternative text and descriptions for search engines, improving your SEO even further.

Legal Obligations

As mentioned earlier, being ADA compliant is not only ethical, but it is also the law. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to all businesses with 15 or more employees and requires that “places of public accommodation” must provide individuals with disabilities full and equal access to their goods and services. This also extends to websites, meaning your website must be accessible to everyone. If your site is not ADA compliant, you risk facing legal penalties, including hefty fines.

Competitive Advantage

By ensuring your website is ADA compliant, you are setting yourself apart from your competition. Many businesses neglect to make their sites ADA compliant, meaning they are missing out on a wider audience and potential customers. By investing in ADA compliance, your business can create a competitive advantage and position itself as a leader in accessibility.

Ensuring your website is ADA compliant is not only the right thing to do but it is also a smart business decision. By expanding your audience, improving your site’s user experience, and creating a more inclusive environment, you are creating a better business overall. Additionally, avoiding legal issues and creating a competitive advantage is never a bad thing. As a business owner, it’s important to make sure you prioritize ADA compliance in your website development and maintenance. Contact the team at Gifted Owl to learn more about our website accessibility remediation services.