How to Change WordPress User Roles
  1. Log in to the WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Users on the left-hand menu
  3. Select All Users
  4. Search for the User
  5. Click on or hover over the user name, then click Edit.
  6. Scroll down Role, then click on the drop-down to view the available roles.
    1. Administrator – somebody who has access to all the administration features within a single site.
    2. Editor – somebody who can publish and manage posts including the posts of other users.
    3. Author  – somebody who can publish and manage their own posts.
    4. Contributor – somebody who can write and manage their own posts but cannot publish them.
    5. Subscriber  – somebody who can only manage their profile.
    6. No Role – somebody whose content remains on your site but cannot access your site.
  7. Select the new role for your user.
  8. Scroll down and click Update User to save your changes.