Turtle Time

Turtle Time Website Design

The Brief

Turtle Time, Inc. is a Southwest Florida not-for-profit organization dedicated to the recovery and conservation of marine turtles. They are the Florida state-permitted monitoring organization for sea turtle activity from Fort Myers Beach to the Lee-Collier County line. Daily patrols during the nesting season are conducted to gather important scientific data about population estimates, distribution of nests, nesting patterns and hatching success rates. Turtle Time’s existing website was outdated in design, code and content and wasn’t mobile-friendly. We were asked to redesign and update their website making it more modern.


Our Approach

Turtle Time’s founder wanted to feature a large video of a turtle swimming on the home page. Using this peaceful visual draws the visitor in to learn more and how they can help. The home page gives important information about the sea turtle nesting season with links and resources for learning more. Below that, is a scrolling count of current nest data collected by the volunteers who patrol the beaches with a link to view area-specific nest data. The home page also features latest blog posts and news about sea turtle activity and conservation throughout the world.

The Sea Turtles tab is all about education with information about species, anatomy and nesting as well as a list of links and resources of similar organizations. The Nest Data section was custom coded so it could be entered easily and displayed in a friendly fashion on the page. Nest Data archives were created that go back to 1996. The Ways to Help page contains more information and videos about what the visitor can to help such as picking up trash and reducing light pollution. There’s also important information about how to report a sick or injured sea turtle as well as a link to make a donation.

The Result

The finished site is modern, mobile-friendly and easy to navigate. It serves as an educational outlet for learning about sea turtles and what people can do to help during nesting season. The displaying of current nest data in our area, it spreads awareness about the issues facing this endangered species.

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